Giving recommendations is an important part of your web footprint. When people look at who you are on the web, one thing that speaks a lot about you is who... read more →
Undoubtedly, the past 12 months has been a turbulent period for Ireland. A new government was formed, a harsh austerity Budget was unveiled and shockwaves from the eurozone crisis affected... read more →
Depending on your own activity on the social networking sites, you will have to find out for yourself how can you put it to use for finding a job. 20%... read more →
Topology of your social media network really differs from a three most popular sites: Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. I am not sure who crafted the phrase: LinkedIn is 4 people... read more →
A Resume or a CV in essence is your short story about your success. It is 100% biased. It is written by you about you. You can choose what you... read more →
Recruiters read CVs in less than 10 seconds That is the fact. You cannot fight it. You have to use this knowledge and make your CV sell you in under... read more →
How to write a CV is surely the most covered recruitment advice topic. Every single recruiter in the world will have more or less strong opinion on how you should... read more →