#truDublin 2016 Track Topics
In the true spirit of #tru events, Tracks and Topics are subject to last-minute changes and there are likely to be a few surprises on the day. 🙂
Open Source HR
The ‘War for Talent’ is over. The term ‘war for talent’ has been recruiting dogma for years. It’s built on a false premise that competition and collaboration are mutually exclusive. That only way to be successful is to silo your internal practices and guard them as trade secrets.
Open Source HR (HROS.co / #HROS) was launched to challenge that notion. We believe if we find ways to open our playbooks and collaborate more, we have an opportunity to raise our collective capabilities and have the entire HR community benefit.
This track will lead a spirited discussion on the merits of collaborating more openly, sharing ideas/education/inspiration, and working out loud to improve the field of HR. Agree? Disagree? Join the track and share your views.
Track Leader: Lars Schmidt, Founder at AmplifyTalent.com, Co-Founder of Open Source HR (HROS.co)
International recruitment – hiring talent from abroad
Track Leader: Ivan Stojanovic, Irish Recruiter
Data for good, data for evil
Track Leader: Bill Boorman, #tru Founder
What Candidates Want in Online Recruitment
Track Leader: Stephen O’Donnell, Founder of PC Evaluate (online psychometrics), truScotland & The NORAs
2016: Why recruitment needs to become more inbound?
Track Leader: Shane Gray, VP Global Business Development at Clinch
Facebook Sourcing
Track Leader: Shane McCusker, CEO at 1ntelligence Recruitment Software
Hiring from Tech Events
Track Leader: James Mayes, Talent, Start-ups and Product Consultant
How to interview and hire a new Scrum team in a day?
Track Leader: Ivan Stojanovic, Recruitment Marketing Consultant at Accenture
ATS selection
Track Leader: Patrick Boonstra, Recruitment Innovation Consultant
2016,Year of the Boomerang! Why its crucial to engage with one’s alumni community?
Leveraging the relationships between employers and past employees, the under-utilized market around rehiring as a recruiting channel. The timing has never been better, with competition for talent, workplace mobility and acceptance of boomerangs at record highs.
Track Leader: Jayne Ronayne, Co Founder at KonnectAgain
The search for meaningful work
More and more we see people looking not just for a living/career but wanting to do something meaningful in their work. Something that will make a difference both to them and their community/the world. Something that is both challenging and rewarding. This is something the last generation didn’t have on their radar so no road map exists.
Track Leader: Feargus Callagy, Owner at MacDara Training
Why Diversity Hiring requires a 20 year plan?
Track Leader: Johnny Campbell, Founder and CEO at Social Talent
Empowering HR for employee engagement & integration
HR challenges in complex organisations and diverse industries, solutions and best practices in multi-cultural and international environment.
Track Leader: Jasmina Lukačević, HR Consultant at HRPRO
Developing a new careersite
Track Leader: Patrick Boonstra, Recruitment Innovation Consultant
Track Leader: Bill Boorman, #tru Founder
Proving the REAL value of recruitment
Why recruitment leaders constantly talk about wanting more recognition but rarely get it, why the seat at the table is not readily offered and why fads in data are a bad thing but paying attention to data and making good decisions is imperative.
Track Leader: Matt Burney, Employer Insights Strategist at Indeed.com
The TRU Technology & Tools
Innovative technology is shaping the future of recruitment. Tools have become part of the life of many recruiters and sourcers, and recruitment technology startups help rapidly expanding their toolkits. The TRU Technology & Tools Track is about sharing favorite tools, discovering new technologies and discussing how technology will continue to transform hiring.
Track Leader: Oscar Mager, Founder at Recruiting Essentials
Sourcing as a Strategy
Track Leader: Gordon Lokenberg, Recruiter and Trainer at People Sourcing Crew
Assesments and Selection made easy – Hiring Top Talent
Track Leader: Caroline Horgan, HR Manager at Zevas Communications
Has HR kept pace with the digital evolution of our workforce?
Track Leader: Mary Ridge, Head of Professional Services at cut-e
Find out more about #truDublin Track Leaders!
Event organiser is Irish Recruiter and we are thankful to the main sponsor Clinch, silver sponsors and all the Track Leaders.
Our silver sponsors are HRPRO, Social Talent, frs recruitment, Accenture, Jobs Board and Turas Nua